
Selected publications by categories in reversed chronological order. Generated by jekyll-scholar. Group member names in violet with links.


  1. RAVEN: Stateless Rapid IP Address Variation for Enterprise Networks
    Liang Wang ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  Prateek Mittal ,  and  Jennifer Rexford
    In Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) , 2023
  2. Hydra: Effective Runtime Network Verification
    Sundararajan Renganathan ,  Benny Rubin ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  Pier Luigi Ventre ,  Carmelo Cascone ,  Daniele Moro ,  Charles Chan ,  Nick McKeown ,  and  Nate Foster
    In ACM SIGCOMM , 2023


  1. Passive OS Fingerprinting on Commodity Switches
    Sherry Bai ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  and  Jennifer Rexford
    In IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) , 2022
  2. Continuous In-network Round-trip Time Monitoring
    Satadal Sengupta ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  and  Jennifer Rexford
    In ACM SIGCOMM , 2022
  3. Enabling Passive Measurement of Zoom Performance in Production Networks
    Oliver Michel ,  Satadal Sengupta ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  Ravi Netravali ,  and  Jennifer Rexford
    In ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) , 2022


  1. Analyzing Traffic by Domain Name in the Data Plane
    Jason Kim ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  and  Jennifer Rexford
    In ACM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR) , 2021
  2. Traffic Refinery: Cost-Aware Data Representation for Machine Learning on Network Traffic
    Francesco Bronzino ,  Paul Schmitt ,  Sara Ayoubi ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  Renata Teixeira ,  and  Nick Feamster
    In ACM SIGMETRICS , 2021
  3. Experience-Driven Research on Programmable Networks
    Hyojoon Kim ,  Xiaoqi Chen ,  Jack Brassil ,  and  Jennifer Rexford
    In ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR) , 2021


  1. ONTAS: Flexible and Scalable Online Network Traffic Anonymization System
    Hyojoon Kim ,  and  Arpit Gupta
    In ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML (NetAI) , 2019


  1. Kinetic: Verifiable Dynamic Network Control
    Hyojoon Kim ,  Joshua Reich ,  Arpit Gupta ,  Muhammad Shahbaz ,  Nick Feamster ,  and  Russ Clark
    In USENIX NSDI , 2015
  2. uCap: An Internet Data Management Tool For The Home
    Marshini Chetty ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  Srikanth Sundaresan ,  Sam Burnett ,  Nick Feamster ,  and  W Keith Edwards
    In ACM CHI , 2015


  1. Peeking Behind the NAT: An Empirical Study of Home Networks
    Sarthak Grover ,  Mi Seon Park ,  Srikanth Sundaresan ,  Sam Burnett ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  Bharath Ravi ,  and  Nick Feamster
    In ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) , 2013
  2. Improving Network Management with Software Defined Networking
    Hyojoon Kim ,  and  Nick Feamster
    In IEEE Communications Magazine , 2013


  1. Procera: A Language for High-Level Reactive Network Control
    Andreas Voellmy ,  Hyojoon Kim ,  and  Nick Feamster
    In ACM Hot Topics in Software Defined Networks (HotSDN) , 2012


  1. The Evolution of Network Configuration: A Tale of Two Campuses
    Hyojoon Kim ,  Theophilus Benson ,  Aditya Akella ,  and  Nick Feamster
    In ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) , 2011